This is the PT test given in the army every 6 months.  This is a general benchmark of physical fitness by the standards of the army.  Consists of max push ups, situps, and timed 2mi run.  Note that the push ups and sit ups are counted by army standards, not crossfit standards.  

Max push ups - 2min
Max sit ups - 2min
2mi run for time

Each event is scored based on your age group.  Go here for a link to the scores by age group before you do this.  Also, for the standards of the push ups and sit ups, go here for the standards of each.  Basically in push ups, arms to parallel (not chest to ground) and there is no real resting outside of the plank position.  Knees off the ground at all times, if they touch, you are done.  Situps are just regular situps it sounds like.  

To pass, you must score 60pts in each event.  For ages 22-26, this is 40push ups, 50sit ups, and a 16:36r
11/1/2011 10:00:10 am

61 pushups = 84pts
55 situps = 67pts
2mi run = 14:25 = 83pts


Boom! For pushups I left about 40sec out on the table. Just couldn't hold myself up anymore. I think if I were to do this again in 6 months I should be able to get max points in push ups (75) and the run (13min). That's my goal at least.

11/11/2011 12:52:12 am

Bad workout turned good.

I wasn't feeling it today, Friday after bball is always tough.

47 push ups = 68pts
41 situps = 48pts
2mi run = idk?? I was at 1.9 at about 14min and I went up to 9.5 go leg it out and the treadmill died = 1,000,000pts


I did some great work with my buddy who showed up and worked on my form for deadlifts and cleans. I finally cleaned 135 well and now I know some things to work on. WE also did some assisted handstand push ups so it was great!

11/11/2011 01:04:08 am

Let me be clear I am PISSED about my PT scores! I know I can do better

11/11/2011 12:13:34 pm

Planning to repeat this in about 3 months. I'm also planning to do the Navy SEAL test pretty soon as well. For that one I can't find the scoring system though. That one is 500m swim, pushups, situps, pullups, 1.5mi run.

12/11/2011 06:15:54 am

Chest must touch the ground! Cheaters!

12/12/2011 01:37:15 am

Not cheating! Army PT guide is linked below. Push ups on page 11.

In all seriousness, every workout on here that calls for push ups assumes chest to ground. I also can't argue with someone who was actually in the army though...


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