Deadlift - 3x5

75 pull ups
150 push ups
225 squats

Partition out the same way as you would if you were doing the Murph benchmark meaning however you want to.  I know we do a lot of these, but I really want to be able to work up to doing the full Murph in the next few weeks/months.  Added in the deadlift because I haven't done any heavy lifts in a very long time.  

12/12/2011 04:15:33 am

Deadlift - 275 all 3 sets. 8 reps the last set

26:25 for pull up, push up, squat. Suprisingly enough, pull ups were the easiest, and push ups are the hardest. I did it as sets of 25, 50, 75. The reason for that was that I was able to pump out 25 pull ups in the first set unbroken. That was pretty awesome. At the end I was doing 1 push up at a time. Fail. Good time.

12/14/2011 05:18:28 am

nice workout... right now my hands are too ripped up for this many pullups.. but I need to detox my body from Vegas so i'm gonna do:

Deadlift 3x5

Lite Fran Plus
Thruster (45lb)
Pull up
Push up

12/14/2011 09:06:25 pm


Just not quite feeling it, need to work on this more and more

Lite Fran Plus: 10:10

Really struggled on the pull ups. I am incredibly jealous of your 25 in a row! That freakin blows my mind. I just can't get the hang of kipping so I can still do a max of 7 or 8 in a row... i'm sad


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