WOD: (straight from littleton)
AMRAP in 15
1 Burpee
1 Box Jump (24/20″)
1 Pull Up
Progress by 2 reps each round.ie round 2 would be 3,3,3 (all movements must be unbroken)
When you fail a couple times in doing something unbroken, start over at 1,1,1 and work your way up...there is no sense in trying to get 9 pull ups in a row for the last 10 min of this workout!

- Just keep going up in reps each round using only odd numbers.  Rd 1: 1, Rd 2: 3, Rd 3: 5, Rd 4: 7
- Unbroken means unbroken...if you stop doing the movement you have to start that movement over....i.e. If you are on rd 4 (7 reps) and you do 6 burpees then take a break, you have failed and must start burpees again and do 7 reps before moving on.  I realize most of us will fail on pull ups so if/when that happens, try it a couple times, then start over at 1 instead of wasting time and not getting a good workout.

I feel like we havn't AMRAP'd in a while and this one looks deceivingly tough.
11/14/2011 09:44:56 pm

Sorry guys I came down with something so I will be out a few days.

11/14/2011 10:02:55 pm

This looks BA. I'll probably be out of crossfit all week. This will be the next workout I do whenever i feel brave enough to do another one. I don't know how to "take it easy" but I'm trying my best.

11/18/2011 11:31:15 pm

1-3-5-7-f on pull up
1-3-f on pull up
1-3-5-f on pull up
1-3-5-f on pull up
1-3Burpee, 3 box jump, TIME

This was tough...very tough. I am working on my kipping pull ups and I do okay but usually end up swinging too much and lose it after a few reps.

12/4/2011 01:30:09 pm

1-3-5-7-9-11-13 and then 15 burpees.

Not sure if I could have done 15 pull ups or not. It would have been close. Climbing has helped a ton for pull ups. Pumped about my results on this one.


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