Begin running with a running clock going that will alarm each minute.   On each minute perform either Mary Catherines (10 each leg) or 10 pushups.  Do the Mary Catherines on the odd minutes and the push ups on the even minutes.  When the alarm goes off each minute, stop and do the exercise, then begin running again.  Keep running until you reach the goal distance, or until you get "vortexed" which is when can't finish the exercise before the minute is up.  Don't let this happen!

The score of the workout is the time it takes you to complete the set distance, or the distance you get before you get vortexed.  
12/25/2011 02:27:43 am

17:05 - Ran approximately 1.75mi instead of just 1.5mi

Ran this workout with my roommate Mike. He pushed me in the beginning to run faster than I would have. Started out at about a 6:15per mile pace. He then slowed down and struggled a lot towards the end so I held back make sure he finished.

I'll probably end up extending this to about 3mi over the next few months in preparation of the spartan race. I was wheezing so bad that night. Every deep breath made me cough. I feel great now today. Next time, I'm probably going to make it squats, or walking lunges probably.


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