WOD: Stolen and modified from main site
50 Thrusters (95lb)
*Every time you set the weight down, do 15 sit ups
complete at least 100 sit ups

post total time to complete thrusters and all sit ups

*NOTE: Yes, if you do all of the thrusters in 2 sets, thus only doing 15 sit ups, do 85 more sit ups at the end
9/7/2012 11:13:44 am

took me 6 sets (hence 5 breaks) so 75 sit ups exactly

I liked this one a lot, very interesting and different

9/15/2012 06:31:49 am

7:20 for the 50 thrusters, 5 sets (4breaks)

Finished the rest of the situation in about 3 more minutes. My abs were tight for the next 3 days.


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